Power Shooting Sessions

Power Shooting Sessions with a coach

Are you looking to improve your shot? Do you feel that something is off in your technique, but can’t really pinpoint the root cause of certain issues? Our power shooting sessions are designed to help you get rid of bad habits while building some better ones. Located in Montreal, our sessions given on synthetic ice offer great value to improve your shot and score more goals!

Our individualized approach to coaching doesn’t make us follow a cookie cutter program that we give each player. Our coaches adjust the shooting sessions according to how the player is doing and their progress. We do not skip steps and make sure that a skill is mastered before going to the next one.

For 65$/ session, you can come with up to two friends and the price stays the same. Same quality session at a fraction of the price.

Our power shooting programs

the fundamentals

Designed for beginners, the program is designed for players to learn proper technique for every type of shot. Every session is dedicated to a certain type of shot to maximize the amount of reps and feedback the player gets after having done a recap of last session’s shooting techniques.

Adding to the fundamentals

Designed for players having successfully completed our Fundamental’s Program. These sessions are made to build upon everything that was learned previously to create a more lethal shot. More advanced shooting techniques will be learned and shooting aids will be used to further expand on shooting mechanics and habits.

becoming an elite shooter

Designed for players having successfully completed our Adding to the fundamentals Program. These sessions are made to build upon everything that was learned previously to apply them in game situations. More advanced shooting techniques combined with game situation drills will be used to further expand on shooting mechanics, habits and knowledge to score more goals from anywhere on the ice.

Our programs are designed so that the player can continuously work on his shot and retain the information given in past sessions. Too long of a period without coming in for a session reduces the benefits of our program so the maximum time to complete the program is 8 weeks. 

An evaluation of the player’s shooting technique will be done at the end of each program to determine what he needs to work on and if he can go to the next level. In the event the player needs to work on certain techniques to master. We offer bridge programs where players, with the help of a coach, will be able to work on various skills before heading to the next program.

Each program includes 5 sessions for 275$.  

Register for our programs below!

Rent the Synthetic Ice!

You can also rent the synthetic ice surface for 20$/session to get those reps in after you’ve been to a couple of power shooting sessions to really master a specific shot!